THEY LIED ABOUT THE BIBLE What The Bible Says About Homosexuality and Most Importantly, What It Didn’t


THEY LIED ABOUT THE BIBLE What The Bible Says About Homosexuality and Most Importantly, What It Didn’t


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THEY LIED ABOUT WHAT THE BIBLE SAID ABOUT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. CHRISTIANS HAVE GOT TO ACCEPT THAT JESUS WAS SOMETIMES WRONGーIN FACT, HE MIGHT EVEN WANT US TO. When people that are attracted to others of the same sex come to positive conclusions about their relationships and identities, they are frequently told they are "elevating" their experience over Scripture. They're told this is a direct rejection of the Bible’s authority in their lives. But, the question is begged, is this a fair and accurate assessment? Are there such things as neutral interpretations? Is there a single correct or true interpretation of the Bible, and if so, who decides? Jesus here reflects the tradition that he himself inherited as a first-century Jew, which his hearers assumed to be the case. In other words, Jesus’ knowledge is restricted to what was knowable within the first century and this is often a key point that I’m afraid too many Christians don’t believe enough that in many ways, Jesus is constrained by the first century. “They Lied About the Bible” will walk you through the various interpretations of the verses regarding homosexuality, what it said and didn’t and how claiming one set of bible abominations as timeless truths while ignoring the others is patently hypocritical and goes against the grain of the text itself. Serious Christians cannot ignore the Bible. “They Lied About the Bible” will inform them that they can, however, confirm that they interpret it with all the tools available to them, that they examine their own biases, and stop over-simplifying the problems. In “They Lied About the Bible”, you will discover;
★What The Bible Really Says About Same-Sex Marriage
★How The Bible Getting It Wrong Is the Best Argument for Marriage Equality
★What You Didn’t Know About God and Same-Sex Marriage
★How Sodom & Gomorrah Deals with Gang Rape and Not Loving Relationship
★Debating Bible Verses On Homosexuality
★Tips for Christian Parents of Gay Children
★And so much more “They Lied About the Bible” is a rare and compelling opportunity to understand and examine your biases. You can eliminate the doubts you have, thereby opening up a whole new world of positive energy. Does the Bible, an anthology of writings whose running theme is love, condemn same-gender-loving people? As someone who has spent my life studying, teaching, wrestling with, and even playing with the Bible, I need to say unequivocally, it doesn't. The entire journey is waiting for you, and therefore, the initiative begins HERE. Scroll up and click on the "BUY" button.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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regarding Christians itself teaching identities