A Vineyard of Fervor Lyrics of Love


A Vineyard of Fervor Lyrics of Love


452 円 (税抜き)

After tasting the essence of your lips, I’ve become a true believer, That when love strikes the heart, It’s impossible to deny its existence. Frank Casale was fifteen when he began penning a book of love lyrics inspired by a woman who, at the time, did not exist anywhere except in his imagination. Six years later, the completed collection found a home in a drawer where it sat for over thirty-five years. Still, Casale never lost hope that someday that woman would be a reality in his life, and after all these years, she finally is. In a diverse collection, Casale shares one hundred poems that lyrically explore varied themes and topics including a blind search for love, morning passion as the sun gently beams across a bed, the soft tone of a voice that echoes whispers of love, forever love that floods blood vessels with celestial passion, a life that is meant to be shared with another, and a lady of beauty who fills the soul with bliss. A Vineyard of Fervor is a poetic exploration of love as a young man first imagines and then later welcomes his one and only into his heart and soul forever.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thirty gently passion themes diverse