How We Can Save Sports A Game Plan, with a New Introduction


How We Can Save Sports A Game Plan, with a New Introduction


2,899 円 (税抜き)

Many sports fans are conflictedーthey may love the games, the players, and their communities, but they are often alarmed by issues such as academic corruption, athlete health, and the overarching emphasis on winning and profit. In How We Can Save Sports: A Game Plan, with a New Introduction, Ken Reed argues that much of our sports culture is broken, driven by ego and greed. Written to inform and empower those who care deeply about the impact of sports on individuals and society as a whole, Reed introduces readers to the most pressing problems in sports and shows how they largely derive from the mentalities of profit-at-all-costs and win-at-all-costs. Chapters dig into issues such as concussions, overzealous adults in youth sports, the disappearance of PE from many school curriculums, the focus on profit in college athletics, discrimination in sports, and more. With a new introduction to bring this perennial topic up to the present, and featuring helpful resources and practical solutions for readers interested in change at all levels, How We Can Save Sports is an invaluable tool for addressing the many challenges in sports today.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
mentalities invaluable adults challenges overarching