Invisible or Not: The Young Girl that Perceived Herself as Invisible By: Daisy (West) DuBose, MBA,CS This author writes about a young girl that perceived herself as being invisible. Her story will take you through the struggles and disappointments encountered through her journey to success. Learn how her belief in God's promise of a better life gave her the strength and courage to succeed. Experience the age of illiteracy that attempted to capture her essence of happiness. How prayers and plans lead her through the illiteracy stage and guided her as she traveled the roads that lead to success. About the Author The author, Daisy DuBose, earned three degrees, with the last one being an MBA from Central Michigan University. She retired after serving 31 years in civil service. She is the mother of five children, thirteen grandchildren, and six great- grandchildren. She enjoys attending church, sewing, dancing, and gardening. She is heavily involved in community activities.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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