Subpersonality Healing with Apometry, Regression, Family Constellation and Pranic Healing mentoring | coaching | counseling tutoring | leadership | empowerment


Subpersonality Healing with Apometry, Regression, Family Constellation and Pranic Healing mentoring | coaching | counseling tutoring | leadership | empowerment


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5 Standing with your hands 10 cm from the querent, imagine energy coming from the 40 plan, imagine prana energy entering your head and exiting through your hands and penetrating your patient's aura as you ask the person pay attention to the following treatment 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you reach some goal and you need to ask for money, do you victimize yourself or do you have courage? Can you see that you have this personality because of past experience? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what I thought was correct, today I am someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Then imagine prana energy entering your head and exiting through your hands and penetrating your patient's aura as you ask the person pay attention to the following treatment in the incarnation of your patient number 226 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of going to the bank and you need to ask for money, are you in this situation more extroverted or introverted? Can you see that you have this personality because of past experience? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what I knew, today I am someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Then imagine prana energy entering your head accessing your most advanced incarnation in the last 999 universes and exiting through your hands and healing mental blocks of your patient as you ask the person pay attention to the following treatment 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of when someone cuts in line and you wish you're angry how is you preservation? Can you see that we could use subpersonality from another situation here? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what I was capable of, today I am someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Imagine prana energy entering your head and exiting through your hands and going to meet your consultant. Seeking help in the galaxy Sunflower Galaxy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7 while doing the following treatment 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you lose money in business and you need to ask for money, are you in this situation more extroverted or introverted? Can you see that you have this personality because of past experience? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what my environment taught me, today I'm someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Finally, finishes the session: Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of going to school and you wish you're angry, do you have a strategy or how do you do it? Can you see that you need to change something? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what the spirit world supported, today I'm someone else, you subpersonality can go, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. 6 Standing with your hands 10 cm from the querent, imagine energy coming from the 39 plan, imagine prana energy entering your head and exiting through your hands and penetrating your patient's aura as you ask the person pay attention to the following treatment 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of getting a gift and you are motivated how is your attitude? Can you see that in your problem you could change the subpersonality? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what my environment blackmailed me, today I'm someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Then imagine prana energy entering your head and exiting through your hands and penetrating your patient's aura as you ask the person pay attention to the following treatment in the incarnation of your patient number 86 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of Mother or Father and you are discouraged, are you in this situation more extroverted or introverted? Can you see that this subpersonality could be exchanged for another one? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what my environment taught me, today I'm someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Then imagine prana energy entering your head accessing your most advanced incarnation in the last 999 universes and exiting through your hands and healing mental blocks of your patient as you ask the person pay attention to the following treatment 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of someone speaking a lie and something good happened the day before, do you have a strategy or how do you do it? Can you see it's not always our way? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what my ancestors directed me to, today I am someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Imagine prana energy entering your head and exiting through your hands and going to meet your consultant. Seeking help in the galaxy Cigar Galaxy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7 while doing the following treatment 'let the person express themselves if necessary': Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of Mother or Father and you are hungry, do you victimize yourself or do you have courage? Can you see that you need to change something? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what my environment blackmailed me, today I'm someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point. Finally, finishes the session: Ask to your patient to think about: When you're in the role of Son or Daughter and you want to speak some "truths", do you have a strategy or how do you do it? Can you see that we could use subpersonality from another situation here? Let's improve this situation by saying: what I did was what my environment blackmailed me, today I'm someone else, you subpersonality can go away, I walk with my steps. Do it only if necessary and if patients perceive it should improve at that point.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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