Fascinated: The Effects of Screens on Children's Brain


Fascinated: The Effects of Screens on Children's Brain


800 円 (税抜き)

In the street, in the playgrounds, at home... Have you seen these children by their screens? Is it a passing fashion effect, a small weakness without consequence? Certainly not! New technologies are changing the brains of an entire generation of children. Screens activate the brain's pleasure centers as much as sexual activity, and they do the same neurological damage as cocaine. Clinical studies increasingly correlate screens with disorders such as adhd, addiction, anxiety, depression, aggression, and even psychoses. John Miller, addictologist, has accompanied many young drug addicts from virtual world in their digital detox. He explains the causes of this global epidemic and the effect on children of our wonderful technological toys...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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