Heart says


Heart says


241 円 (税抜き)

This book is a collection of various poems on various issues. It focuses virtues and vices of society. The poems are the voice of that every single person who desires a change, I actually believe! This book is not describes only social topics but it enlightenes love matters as well. This book has it's own glory because it will touch everyone's heart! I personally give my best on every topics which I have chosen for poems. While writing poems on different topics I used easy words so everyone can relate it easily. I enlightened not only the topics which are related to women but also the topics which are related to men. Mostly I notice people hopes for best in every critical situation so in some poems I also try to hold ray of hope. To be honest I haven't lots of experiences but whatever I see, it generates question in my head and thus, my creativity gives birth to the poems. So, venturing into areas of life and living I have tried to express my genuine views through these pages with a humble hope to provide an insightful reading to the every person of every generation画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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easily humble whatever single writing