I Think Differently What I Speak Matters What I Speak Matters


I Think Differently What I Speak Matters What I Speak Matters


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Hi, it's Anthony! I want to thank everyone for joining me on this incredible journey, my adventure of a lifetime. You will follow me as I face my many challenges and experiences with autism and how I struggle to find my voice through grade school as I grow. Away from home, school can be a tough place for a child with autism like me. You will continue to have a front-row seat as we continue this journey together while understanding my unique disorder. You will learn, "When I speak, What I speak, Matters!" ?I will show you how having an impressive support system in place, both at home and school, has taught me just how unique and loved I truly am. Would you like to learn more about how I am doing as I grow into my world? With so much encouragement, love, and support, I will tell you how I have become everyone's awesome autistic superhero! Continue to join me on this amazing journey! Bring along your family and friends on this new adventure with me. After all, this is not an adventure traveled alone! JAB画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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impressive together having challenges autism