Concealed Carry Basics- 2023 Illinois Digital Edition


Concealed Carry Basics- 2023 Illinois Digital Edition


568 円 (税抜き)

This E-book (Digital Edition) is designed to assist training students in Illinois Concealed Cary License classes and for anyone interested in the Concealed Carry topic. Contents include the Illinois mandated training topics, and also cover living in a heightened state of awareness, considerations involved with deadly force decisions, self-defense action plans and active shooter scenarios. Extensive listings also display federal and state laws applicable to concealed carry, digital apps with access to current state reciprocity maps and descriptions and covers the concept of "reasonableness"- the court standard citizens will be judged by following a self-defense situation. Practical topics include choice of popular pistols and revolvers, choice of calibers and ballistics myths, holsters and clothing suitable for successful concealed carry.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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