Parenting teens in the 21st century Settings limits and building independence


Parenting teens in the 21st century Settings limits and building independence


806 円 (税抜き)

First of all, kids are at a difficult age when they're no longer viewed either as children or as grownups. Secondly, their hormones are running, they're under pressure from friends and the media to keep up, and their schooling is more crucial now than ever. These are only some of the difficulties that contribute to the mood swings and emotional outbursts that we often associate with teens, and might be worth noting while dealing problems and challenging circumstances with your child. All children flourish from love, stability and a good foundation no matter what age they are. Even if they show a little attitude or appear like they don't need you, they probably do. Teens react incredibly well to loads of praise, love and care. They still need their parents there to give support and advice This book will equips parents with the tools essential to establish boundaries, educate vital skills, and promote decision-making in their adolescents Don't just read the description, go ahead and click the buy button now画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer skills -making stability either