Inspired Thoughts of Sally Bet Sam Thought-Provoking, Soul-Searching Words of Poetry


Inspired Thoughts of Sally Bet Sam Thought-Provoking, Soul-Searching Words of Poetry


1,372 円 (税抜き)

The words contained in this book are inspired by nature, hearing a single word, and living life, or knowing someone who has, but mostly from beginning a conversation with God, of praise and thanksgiving, or asking questions about life. He always answers, "When I listen for that still small voice." How great is our God! My goal is to draw you into the words and silent graphics, to let your mind go there, to feel it and see it in your soul, and to enjoy it! My hope is, you will be refreshed and renewed after reading the words, and drawn into a closer relationship with our Creator. Love and blessings, Sally Bet Sam画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always single closer beginning inspired