The Wisdom Years A Guide to Intentional Aging


The Wisdom Years A Guide to Intentional Aging


1,134 円 (税抜き)

Aging requires courage. Adapting to the constantly changing aspects of our body, mind, and soul does not come easy for most seniors. This book addresses the realities we must face as we begin to think about retirement, including what happens to our bodies and minds. The author chose walking as her method of addressing her own aging. Part adventure, part reflection, this book invites you to join the writer on her journey into aging and the gift of the Wisdom Years as they appear before all of us if we are mindful enough. Offering tools for facing retirement, aging, and even our own deaths, this book is a guide for living intentionally into a process that is inevitable.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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reflection >Aging including requires bodies