Principles of the Gospel in Verses From the King James Version of the Bible


Principles of the Gospel in Verses From the King James Version of the Bible


1,134 円 (税抜き)

Over one hundred different gospel principles with more than two thousand Bible verses explaining them, a great resource for planning a Bible lesson, gives insight into important overlooked principles, and contains short biographies of notable apostles and authors of the New Testament. Are we literally children of a loving Heavenly Father? Is baptism a necessary ordinance? Do we need to follow God's commandments? Did an apostasy from the original teachings of the gospel take place? Must a restoration of Jesus Christ's true church take place before the Second Coming? Many people today seem more interested in what the footnotes in their study Bibles or some written commentary teaches them rather than the scriptures themselves. The verses of the Bible teach so many simple and beautiful principles that much of the Christian world does not believe or understand today. This book covers them all.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Bibles necessary insight overlooked verses