Dewey's ABCs Would you like to see Dewey's ABCs?


Dewey's ABCs Would you like to see Dewey's ABCs?


1,372 円 (税抜き)

Dewey the German Shorthair Pointer doggie loves making up words that rhyme all the time. And Dewey loves kids. Dewey also loves teaching ABCs. Read how Dewey has used names of cities, towns, animals, and sometimes bugs, (no spiders allowed) to ask you; "Would you like to see Dewey's ABCs?" One of Dewey's favorite letters is B in "bumblebee." Dewey's question for the letter B in "bumblebee" is, "Would you like to see big buzzing bumblebees and small hairy fleas flying around your knees while running through Shepherd's maple trees when holding your mom and dad's car keys, and you are trying to sneeze?" Read the rest of the letters and words Dewey has used to make words that rhyme all the time.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sometimes favorite Shorthair making spiders