Accessing Mars Martian Life in AD 2102


Accessing Mars Martian Life in AD 2102


641 円 (税抜き)

“Buy or lease a Magnetic Motors Seagull today!“ The video shows a low, sleek machine with a bubble top flipped back to reveal a sleek, luxury interior. It sits on a large balcony a hundred meters above the ground on the side of a tall, elegant apartment complex. Two laughing and attractive adults in fashionable clothing are carrying a picnic hamper toward it. “This amazing machine can carry two adults plus 50 kilos of luggage the entire length of a 100 km long underground Sky Arch on only one charge!” The crystal clear canopy closes, and you can hear the muted whir of electric propellors. It smoothly lifts up and away and heads towards a small lake in the distance. “Let the low gravity and dense air carry you aloft in your personal Seagull.”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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entire adults meters fashionable Magnetic