Grief & Restoration A Guide for the Christian Griever After a Significant Loss


Grief & Restoration A Guide for the Christian Griever After a Significant Loss


452 円 (税抜き)

Grief is a natural human reaction to emotional pain caused by the loss of someone or something significant to us. Studies have consistently revealed that neglecting our pain of the loss can negatively impact our present relationships and functioning in life. Losing someone creates a void in our hearts. God can fill that void. However, he expects us to also work through it. Just as we pray to God for healing from an illness, we also go to the doctor. Similarly, there are steps we can take to help us overcome our emotional pain. In Grief and Restoration, author Dr. Tamar Sevajian offers this workbook, an eight-week program combining Christian faith with evidence-based interventions empirically shown to be effective for processing grief. She presents a step-by-step plan to help the griever achieve healing and wholeness after the loss of a loved one. Although joining a grief support group is encouraged, the workbook can also be used on your own, or with a trusted friend/family member. It includes an application portion, as well as an action plan for each week.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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