Conservation Practices in Museums For Researchers and Museum Professionals


Conservation Practices in Museums For Researchers and Museum Professionals


20,662 円 (税抜き)

The author introduces conservation science and management of cultural heritages in museums. In particular, a comprehensive conservation study and practical techniques are described. Aspects such as examination and diagnosis of cultural heritage by scientific data recording of humidity, luminosity, intensity of vibration and shock, among others, are introduced. Preventive and remedial conservation with X-ray imaging and X-ray fluorescence and other risk-control methods are also explained. The author provides basic theories based on a scientific view for the methods introduced in this book. They can be compared with those used at other museums, and readers can employ them to adapt and improve their methods. Today, maintaining smooth internal communication is key for scientists and curators with different academic backgrounds and from different departments working together on conservation projects at the museum. The author addresses the current global trend of preserving rather than repairing cultural heritage at museums and emphasizes its importance.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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