How to Survive Being a Dog Owner Tongue-In-Cheek Advice and Cheeky Illustrations about Being a Dog Owner


How to Survive Being a Dog Owner Tongue-In-Cheek Advice and Cheeky Illustrations about Being a Dog Owner


1,291 円 (税抜き)

You won’t find a more loyal and loveable friend than you will in your dog. But if you’re going to cope with its boundless energy, its insatiable appetite and its total disregard for social niceties, you’re going to need survival skills: Think positively: You will get more exercise than ever before (whether you like it or not) Reassure yourself: The ‘mad puppy’ behaviour should wear off after 15 years or so. This mischievous little book will help guide you through your role as a dog owner with tongue-in-cheek advice and cheeky illustrations.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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skills tongue energy friend loveable