Reenactment of a Killer and Serial Rapist


Reenactment of a Killer and Serial Rapist


567 円 (税抜き)

A convicted murderer, released twice on licence despite being described as "evil and dangerous", has been jailed for life... again.This time, Mark Shirley will have to serve a minimum of nine years behind bars before being eligible for parole after being convicted of sexually brutalising a Bristol mother-of-five.But his latest victim, Helen Stockford - who bravely waived her right to lifelong anonymity to speak out about her ordeal - said "justice has not been done".She questioned why he was allowed out on licence after he murdered a woman in Cardiff.Last month, Shirley was convicted of attacking Helen in an incident which echoed the ritualised rape and murder of 67-year-old widow for which he was jailed for life in 1987.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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dangerous parole justice bravely Shirley