Sundara Kaanda: The Unsung Leaps of a Common Man


Sundara Kaanda: The Unsung Leaps of a Common Man


1,361 円 (税抜き)

In Sundara Kaanda of the Ramayana, Hanuman takes the most perilous leap across cryptic waters... And Baabi is no less; always leaping over unmapped troubles. In a little village called Vakkalanka in Andhra Pradesh, where he spends his childhood, Baabi comes upon various adventures. But who would have thought losing merely 15 rupees would turn his life around? His financial conflicts toss him into a life of savage waters at the mere age of thirteen. Abandoning his pleasant life back home and his first true love, he travels to Hyderabad to make a living at a time when most kids don't have to brood about anything in their carefree lives. As he advances into becoming a youth of unyielding character, fate is never easy on him. His character, tarnished by scheming minds and friends, is driven to go far away. His stint as a drama artist earns him a great name in Bombay, yet, he remains a star-crossed man always overcome with problems. His daredevil exploits of the most direful kind test the very core of his resilience, like the ocean tests Hanuman. And so he leaps... through the most devilish of paths with withered slippers, leaving a trail of his manful blood along his journey of grave peril.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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artist always called slippers -crossed