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Summary With thoughtful clarity, veteran pastor and itinerant Bible teacher Bruce Collins explains and illustrates how believers can learn how to hear the Lord more clearly and serve others in using the gift of prophecy responsibly. Author Bio South African born Bruce trained as a chemical engineer before becoming an Anglican pastor in 1983. Over the last 30 years he has ministered in 35 countries teaching and encouraging church leaders and the saints, especially in the gift of prophecy. He served as the first overseer of New Wine's International Network. Bruce lives in Wales, UK, with his wife. Foreword Bruce Collins, a church leader experienced in renewal, with a proven prophetic gift himself, has written this excellent book, 'Prophesy!' It is one of the clearest and most practical books on the subject I have seen, and I hope as many people as possible will read it. Paul, the Apostle, wrote to the Corinthian church and urged the Christians there to pursue prophecy as a really useful gift for building up the church. In 1 Corinthians 14 he tells them twice to "be eager to prophesy." Too many of us have not got a clue what it is, how and when to use it, and how to test it. Bruce takes it all in his stride and spells these things out for us in a most helpful way. I warmly commend this very practical handbook not only for all would-be prophets, but for any Christian who wants to grow in hearing the Lord more clearly. I also commend it to church leaders. Use it in your home groups or other settings as a practical course to sow prophecy into your church! Rev. David Pytches Editorial Reviews Bruce Collins is a passionate and precise practitioner of spiritual gifts... A thoroughly engaging Biblical guide to equip any believer to hear God's voice and prophesy with grace and confidence ? Dr. Clem Ferris, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. I can offer the highest level of commendation for my friend, Bruce Collins' book on prophecy... Offers excellent counsel to pastors, leaders and the merely curious as well as underlining the need for a prophetic journey to be character-based as well as exercising a gift ? Rev. Alan Ross, Associate Pastor, Gateway Church, Glasgow, Scotland. I have had the privilege of partnering in ministry across Wales with Bruce Collins for almost 15 years... This biblical and practical book will equip you to exercise the gift of prophecy as a lifestyle ? Julian Richards, Church planter and leader of the New Wine network of church leaders in Wales, UK. I have been blessed to have travelled to both India and East Africa with my dear friend Bruce Collins... I have found Bruce to be unmatched in releasing people to operate prophetically ? Paul Berube, Grace Outreach International, USA.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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