How to Conduct a Performance Appraisal Step-by-step Method. Under the Competency Model


How to Conduct a Performance Appraisal Step-by-step Method. Under the Competency Model


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"How to Conduct a Performance Appraisal: Step-by-Step Method Under the Competency Model", will teach and guide you with concrete steps, the complete process of designing, implementing, and qualifying the performance evaluation of an organization. If you are from the Human Resources area or simply work with Human Capital, it has probably happened to you like many, that you have studied, looked for books, and even enrolled in courses on some subject, but after finishing them you still have the question of how what you have learned is put into practice. And even worse is the feeling when you are forced to implement it and do not know how to do it, or how to improve what already exists. Perhaps many times you asked yourself anxiously, "How the hell do I do it?" This book will give you concrete guidelines, step by step, action by action, that will guide you in the complete management of a project to improve the performance of people and organizations. Not theoretical terms, but purely practical ones. For the same reason, it is rather a tutorial or manual to develop this complex process. In this way, this book will allow you to: - Generate the design and planning of the process. - Know which formats to use. - Know the optimal order of implementation of certain actions. - Understand how and with whom to work. - Know how to train, who, and in what. - Understand what times to consider. - Know what skills or profiles to use. - Improve or change what already exists. - Choose which associated consequences to implement. - Know ways to overcome common difficulties. - And so on. You will have access to real implementation steps that implicitly synthesize the teachings of Dave Ulrich on how to generate value from people management (with result indicators or KPIs), change methodologies by Jhonn P. Kotter, the Competency management system promoted by Martha Alles, the Human Resources structures proposed by Idalberto Chiavenato, among other authors. All systematized ensure a better result since the proposed methodology harmoniously complements their positions and techniques. Again, not explained in conceptual terms, but exemplified with application exercises that you can extrapolate to the reality of your organization.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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studied skills manual common implement