The story revolves around siblings Tom, Sam, and Dick Wanderer, who have an insatiable thirst for experience and passion. The Rover boys on the ocean is a stand-alone story in its own right but frames a companion volume that leads up to The Rover boys at School.In the previous volume, the author has attempted to give the young reader a brief glimpse of life when he was in military boarding schools, with its glitter and its shadows, and its victories, the minor conspiracies and counterplots, the psychological and real challenges and they faced in the present story, he has given a little more, while recounting the particulars of a trip that has grown from a small and humble beginning to something quite unexpected, a journey intended to test the nerves of the most courageous American youth. How Dick, Tom, and Sam and their companions go through and how they win against their enemies to achieve, the suspense he creates, really makes you want to start reading the story.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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