President Fu-Manchu


President Fu-Manchu


760 円 (税抜き)

Washington, 1936ーon the eve of War, the United States holds a crucial election. The candidate who takes office will grasp the reins of power, while the world teeters on the brink. The fate of mankind will rest with man who controls the White House. "A sterling example of the classic adventure story, full of excitement and intrigue. Fu-Manchu is up there with Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, and Zorro."ーCharles Ardai, award-winning novelist and founder of Hard Case Crime THE INVISIBLE PRESIDENT Aided by federal agent Mark Hepburn, Sir Denis Nayland Smith must discover the link between Fu-Manchu and the disappearance of a leading American candidate. Should they fail, the Devil Doctor will move yet another step closer toward his dream of global domination画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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election -Manchu ."ーCharles candidate between