The Seven Strokes of the gods is an African fictional story, centered on ancient African culture and world view. It is garnished and told with rich African proverbs that gives insight into the African mind. In the glossary, more light is shed on the rich African proverbs and meanings. Excerpts: On this very sunny day, Awara-Awara, the priest of Ajana deity and the oldest man in the village of Eziama-Aruke, was seen trudging laboriously along the pebbled path leading to the Orie market square. His hands and legs were unsteady and shaking as reeds in the wind. This rickety bearing of his frame loudly announced the passage of decades. As he moved, he continued to discuss with some unseen companions. Now and again, he gesticulated, laughed or nodded in agreement with the views of his unseen entourage. With his right hand, he clutched his ancient staff - with this, he supported his ancient body. And with his left hand, he clutched a lighted ederi torch, while he advanced his ‘near ancestral’ steps as unsurely as one seeking his way on a pitch dark night. Unakalamba, seeing this very unusual sight, asked: ‘ancient one, what do you seek with a burning ederi torch at the middle of the day when the sun is at its brightest?’ ‘I seek the Door of Hope’, the ancient one replied. Several years later, Uduma, the Door of Hope was born with the destiny of the stars. Then, all the forces of good and evil came down to play…in contention for his destiny and for the soul of the community.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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