Backend Developer in 30 Days Acquire Skills on API Designing, Data Management, Application Testing, Deployment, Security and Performance Optimization (English Edition)


Backend Developer in 30 Days Acquire Skills on API Designing, Data Management, Application Testing, Deployment, Security and Performance Optimization (English Edition)


1,933 円 (税抜き)

In today's world, becoming an experienced backend developer is a difficult job that requires a lot of work. There are an excessive number of stacks and technologies to master, and new ones often gain popularity. Nonetheless, they share the same fundamental concepts: data storage, security, performance, testing, etc.This book aims to teach and train you to become a successful backend developer with a solid skill set in developing and implementing the real engine of a successful enterprise application. Implementation topics like setting up a web server, designing and developing APIs, creating and running automated tests, and working with various types of databases are all addressed in detail. The book prepares developers to maintain the safety and security of their applications through the use of procedures that avoid application and data breaches. While you learn about every part of backend development, the book teaches you how to deal with errors and find and fix problems.By the end of the book, you will have a firm grasp on the fundamental principles that underpin backend programming, including application architectures, design patterns, essential development activities, and help for debugging.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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concepts requires debugging excessive popularity