Hands-on Supervised Learning with Python Learn How to Solve Machine Learning Problems with Supervised Learning Algorithms Using Python (English Edition)


Hands-on Supervised Learning with Python Learn How to Solve Machine Learning Problems with Supervised Learning Algorithms Using Python (English Edition)


1,597 円 (税抜き)

You will learn about the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Python programming post, which you will be introduced to predictive modelling and the different methodologies in predictive modelling. You will be introduced to Supervised Learning algorithms and Unsupervised Learning algorithms and the difference between them.We will focus on learning supervised machine learning algorithms covering Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees and Artificial Neural Networks. For each of these algorithms, you will work hands-on with open-source datasets and use python programming to program the machine learning algorithms. You will learn about cleaning the data and optimizing the features to get the best results out of your machine learning model. You will learn about the various parameters that determine the accuracy of your model and how you can tune your model based on the reflection of these parameters.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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reflection Python Unsupervised Vector Supervised