It's Our Country Not Theirs!


It's Our Country Not Theirs!


1,036 円 (税抜き)

Guy Kinkade is, Anglo Saxon, white, British and a member of the indigenous population. He accuses politicians of lies over seventy years, resulting in Britain becoming an unrecognisable conglomerate of races and colours, few of whom have the slightest concept of Nationhood or where their allegiances lie. His hypothesis on mass immigration will expose the politicians lies about immigration being essential for Britain’s recovery in 1945. He argues that: The Home Office, having relinquished responsibilities for day to day running of the police, have allowed Chief Constables to ignore gun, knife and drug crimes, in favour of the ludicrous Hate Crimes, London is now the murder capital of the world; and teaching homosexuality to children, some still in nappies is nothing less than child corruption. His theory on a hereafter will shatter the whole worlds beliefs. His proposition for bringing the politicians to account by the people, is revolutionary.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
worlds hereafter proposition Office Nationhood