The Fate of a King A compelling medieval adventure of battle, honour and glory


The Fate of a King A compelling medieval adventure of battle, honour and glory


594 円 (税抜き)

The king is dead. The fight to replace him begins... 1066 dawns on a fractious England. The death of Edward the Confessor has set in motion a chain of events that can no longer be stopped. In London, Harold Godwinson, anointed king by Edward on his deathbed, girds the nation for war. Across the channel in Normandy, Duke William prepares his invasion fleet to sail, supported by Harald’s treacherous brother, Tostig, who has promised to help William strike at the very heart of England. Battle shall be joined in Hastings, and the future of the country decided with sword, lance and bow. K. M. Ashman delivers the epic showpiece finale to the Road to Hastings trilogy, perfect for fans of Conn Iggulden and David Gilman.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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