A Candle Lit With Hope An Essay


A Candle Lit With Hope An Essay


483 円 (税抜き)

The American voice is full of this hopefulness, the belief that one can achieve their dreams. The feeling of hope is like a candle, when a person's hope is lit, it is like a wildfire, and this wildfire spreads from one person to the next, and after that, the voice of the people rises, getting stronger and stronger, until the flames of hope engulf all of a country. And the hope we share, is the American voice, used to bring life to our dreams, and hope to those who need a lighter to be held to their wicks. The American voice is one of hope, but used in literature, one may be confused as to how this effect works, because in books, and films, and in life, things can be hard to decipher. It's only when these ideals reach the peak of their extents, that the voice of the American people is brought to the audience's attention. When the American voice is used in books and movies, it can be hard to tell that it's there. The same can be said of the American voice, unless you go searching for it within these books, it's more than likely that you will not see it. You see, an example of this is The Great Gatsby, where it seems to be a book about the difference between the newly rich, and the old rich, the difference of love, and lust. The outcome of his situation shows that even with hope, one can still fail, and that, however sad, or terrible it is, is just a part of the dreams we face. This light is hope, and the mirror is your goal.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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