



623 円 (税抜き)

'Seven days. Seven deaths. Seven brides for seven rivers...' It is New Year's Day. The city of Galata, with its ancient river-streets, is slowly sinking into the sea. But for one week its citizens want to forget this, and celebrate the city's thousand-year anniversary. For Joseph, a jaded ex-detective, the day brings a glimmer of hope. Last night he met and kissed Celice, a free-spirited artist. Tonight he is meeting her again. But Celice never turns up. Then her body is pulled out of the canal. There are papers on her; charred at the edges, with mysterious writing on them. As Joseph teams up with his former police colleague J. D, they discover this may be just the first in a series of eerily similar crimes that took place on exactly the same week, 100 years ago. Is history about to repeat itself? And can they stop it happening again? Cover: Photos by Andrea Piacquadio; Background by Lise-Noor Lemmens画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
artist history forget itself kissed