Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray. The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage. What is a successful marriage? What's the role of the wife in ensuring a successful marriage? Indeed, the wife is called to be a suitable helper for her husband. She is called to assist him in fulfilling God's call in his life. In this book, we study the requirements for becoming and remaining a suitable helper. When a wife becomes and continues to be a suitable helper for her husband, she brings her full contribution to make their marriage a success. We publish this book, praying that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to transform some broken or breaking marriages into successful marriages; and that it will transform all happy marriages into successful marriages for the glory of the Lord and the advancement of the Gospel.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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