Fukushima Futures Survival Stories in a Repeatedly Ruined Seascape


Fukushima Futures Survival Stories in a Repeatedly Ruined Seascape


3,632 円 (税抜き)

Both before and after the 2011 "Triple Disaster" of earthquake, tidal wave, and consequent meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, anthropologist Satsuki Takahashi visited nearby communities, collecting accounts of life and livelihoods along the industrialized seascape. The resulting environmental ethnography examines the complex relationship between commercial fishing families and the Joban Seaーonce known for premium-quality fish and now notorious as the location of the world's worst nuclear catastrophe. Fukushima Futures follows postwar Japan's maritime modernization from the perspectives of those most entangled with its successes and failures. In response to unrelenting setbacks, including an earlier nuclear accident at neighboring Tokaimura and the oil spills of stranded tankers during typhoons, these communities have developed survival strategies shaped by the precarity they share with their marine ecosystem. The collaborative resilience that emerges against this backdrop of vulnerability and uncertainty challenges the progress-bound logic of futurism, bringing more hopeful possibilities for the future into sharper focus.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against successes uncertainty including notorious