In this gripping tale set in eighteenth-century England, Vincent Goddard delves into the haunting legacy of his ancestral home, Mandrake Hall. Unbeknownst to Vincent, his late father's desperate attempt to defy mortality has awakened a darkness that now threatens to engulf the entire region. As the death toll rises, the church, determined to conceal the horrors from the outside world, dispatches a specialized team of hunters to deal with the problem. Reluctant to confront the consequences of his father's actions, Vincent soon realizes that he must join forces with the church's squad to vanquish the bloodthirsty creatures. With his family's safety hanging in the balance, he must set aside his preconceptions and confront the grim reality of life and death. But in a harrowing battle against evil, can he prevail?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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