Screams of the Drowning From the Eastern Front to the Sinking of the Gustloff


Screams of the Drowning From the Eastern Front to the Sinking of the Gustloff


1,584 円 (税抜き)

The WWII memoir of a young German conscript who survived the Eastern Front and the sinking of the MV Wilhelm Gustloff. Born in Munich in 1926, Hans Fackler was conscripted into the Wehrmacht at the age of seventeen. He became an infantryman on the brutal frontlines of the war in Russia. But after suffering a grievous injury from a grenade explosion, he could no longer fight. Hans was given morphine onboard the controversial Wilhelm Gustloff, an armed military ship which operated under the guise of transporting civilians. When the ship was sunk by Russian torpedoes, drowning more than 9,000 passengers, Hans was among the lucky few rescued by a German freighter. Hans recuperated in a military hospital near Erfurt in the Harz, which subsequently fell into the Russian zone. He escaped and undertook the arduous task of walking almost 200 miles back home to Bavaria. Screams of the Drowning is Hans’s extraordinary first-person account of his wartime experiences, as told to Klaus Willmann.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer brutal arduous freighter almost