Google AdWords Insider Insider Strategies You Must Master to Instantly Expose Your Business to 200 Million Google Users


Google AdWords Insider Insider Strategies You Must Master to Instantly Expose Your Business to 200 Million Google Users


880 円 (税抜き)

Google AdWords Insider, written by a true Insider, explains the mysteries behind advertising with the world’s number one search engine. Simon Leung is a retired AdWords Optimization Specialist from Google Headquarters who developed the strategies used today to train the Google Team internally, many of which are shared in this highly acclaimed book. Whether a beginner or expert to Internet Marketing and online advertising, you will learn to understand Google AdWords the way the system understands itself, grasping the key to minimizing your costs while maximizing your return on investment through fundamental keyword, ad text, account structure and landing page optimization.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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