Learning to Be an Associate Provost A Playbook to Understanding the Role to Developing Collegial Relationships


Learning to Be an Associate Provost A Playbook to Understanding the Role to Developing Collegial Relationships


3,949 円 (税抜き)

The position of the associate provost is an integral part of the workings of a college or university. As an associate provost, the person who holds this position must know how to work within the political atmosphere of the institution, must know how to work with faculty and curriculum needs, and must be willing to work with the “other side of the house” to provide continued success for the academic community. However, the training and skills needed for this leadership position are not often taught in a college course and sometimes have to be learned first-hand when a person accepts the position. Through many lived experiences, this book explores the role of the associate provost, the leadership skills necessary to afford the continued success of an institution of higher education, and suggestions on how associate provosts can work successfully in the academic community, Whether a newly appointed associate provost or one that has held the position for a number of years, this book provides insight into the learned lessons, the building and maintaining of collegial relationships, and the sometimes forgotten importance of the role of associate provost.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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