Set in China during the Ming Dynasty, the Taoist Exorcist’s Disciple is about the adventures of Xiao Tian Zhen, a naive apprentice of a Taoist priest. In Volume 2: A Ghostly Love Story, once back in the Realm of the Living, Tian Zhen discovers that Da Qiang did find a way out of the Underworld, but he had to pay a very steep price. In order to leave the Underworld, Da Qiang made a deal with a powerful demon: he must serve in the army of Lao Shu Yao, a warlord Ficus Tree Demon who wants to overthrow the King of the Underworld in order to rule it himself. Can the lovers somehow negate the contract with the Ficus Tree Demon? Or is Da Qiang bound in servitude to the demon forever, forced to serve in the Army of the Undead? This suspenseful gay supernatural historical fantasy romance series explores themes of fate, life and death, the afterlife, the supernatural and the tenacity of love.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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