Oceans of Thoughts Book Three Orchestrated To Motivate and To Inspire You, Life Changing Messages, and Chronicles of Monumental Prominence


Oceans of Thoughts Book Three Orchestrated To Motivate and To Inspire You, Life Changing Messages, and Chronicles of Monumental Prominence


1,234 円 (税抜き)

Best-selling Author Rosalind Severin McClean is a very deep inspirational writer and poet. Her determination and skill to impart her writings to us is so compelling, invigorating and captivating. Rosalind's experience when growing up in Dominica is captured so eloquently and interestingly in Book Three. Her unique style of absorbing her readers into her world of adventure, through lyrical poetry, dialogue and storytelling is what sets her apart from other writers. In this book, you will find some exciting history on Sports in Dominica in the 1960s and 1970s. There is also a most influential series written on her dad Mr. Clifford A. Severin, and some fascinating history on Saint Arromant in Dominica. You could feel her vibrant youth and a vivid portrayal of our life growing up in Dominica. The lyrical poetry is inspiring and intriguing and written to set you on your journey deep within. You are pulled towards every part of this book. Rosalind's foresight of life around her was very astute, as you will notice in her writings. I am proud of Rosalind, and her strength and artistry she places around her work, which motivates, benefits, and touches all people. This work of literature is a must read and acquire for all.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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vibrant influential history Rosalind through