The Stray: A Bimbo Transformation Novella


The Stray: A Bimbo Transformation Novella


557 円 (税抜き)

Society is on the brink. Birth rates are down. The gender divide is greater than ever. But there is a plan. But even those retired from the program still get a few perks. Annie is having a bad day. She makes a few bad decisions, like dropping out of school and moving across the country to be with her boyfriend, but when her relationship ends, she ends up stuck in a strange town and at the mercy of nice, but strange, people. But after only a day, Annie finds herself changing, turning into a bimbo. How will Annie react to these changes? How will her new benefactors play a role, in both her transformation and her new life? Is there any hope for Annie once she is labeled a stray? Find out in The Stray. This novella is a bimbo transformation story. It is the third book in the Bimbo at Home Series.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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gender changes having labeled >Society