Revoluci?n H?bito El Poder de los H?bitos en la Configuraci?n de Nuestras Vidas


Revoluci?n H?bito El Poder de los H?bitos en la Configuraci?n de Nuestras Vidas


2,059 円 (税抜き)

In "Revoluci?n H?bito: El Poder de los H?bitos en la Configuraci?n de Nuestras Vidas," embark on a life-altering journey of self-discovery and transformation. This impactful book unveils the profound influence that habits wield over every aspect of our existence, from personal success and relationships to overall happiness and fulfillment. Delve into the science behind habit formation and learn how these seemingly small routines have the power to shape our destinies. Drawing upon powerful real-life stories and cutting-edge research, this book will empower you to identify and break free from detrimental habits while cultivating positive ones that lead to greatness. With practical strategies and actionable steps, "Revoluci?n H?bito" equips you to design a life of purpose and achievement. Discover how to rewire your brain, harness willpower, and create lasting change, as you unlock the secrets to personal empowerment and find the keys to unlocking your true potential.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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