The Spice of Life: A Bimbo Transformation Novella


The Spice of Life: A Bimbo Transformation Novella


575 円 (税抜き)

Lia and John love each other, but their love life is withering. Lia can’t keep up with her husband’s needs. But there is a new product on the market that could save their marriage. Collars instilled with magic that can temporarily change a person. Lia wants to perform, so she agrees to wear one that will improve her love life. However, not is all as it seems. And while the collar is safe to use, there is something wrong. But neither Lia nor John will be able to figure it out until it is too late. What will become of Lia? Will her marriage survive or will it thrive? Find out in The Spice of Life. This novella is a bimbo transformation story. It is the first book in The Magic Collar Series. This series features a long term transformation, with the full transformation taking place over the entire series.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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