Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed Book 8 The Scent


Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed Book 8 The Scent


1,291 円 (税抜き)

Once at the palace, the two walked up to the door where the were greeted by Pharaoh's assistant but standing behind his assistant was a mirror image of Pharaoh, a 3D print and hidden gem, his twin, equal y attractive, dressed in feminine attire, only the face of this man she'd fell in love with at first sight. The voice standing over her as she was recovering from fainting was a feminine voice, and feminine hands stroking her hair and face, also attracted by Astyarres' looks but not surprised, Pharaoh had been keeping his sister abreast of the one he told her he was bringing into their fold and tribe. Astyarres 's eyes now wide open were staring at a female with all the attractive traits of Pharaoh. ” “Without third party introduction, Shem introduced herself by touching Astyarres's face and chin, then moving her hands along Astyarres' sexy, slender body. Shem smiled and stated "We're about the same size, the three of us actually y. What do you think? Think you're going to fit in with twins?"画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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recovering fainting female feminine smiled