Biological Transcendence and the Tao An Expos? on the Potential to Alleviate Disease and Ageing and the Considerations of Age-Old Wisdom


Biological Transcendence and the Tao An Expos? on the Potential to Alleviate Disease and Ageing and the Considerations of Age-Old Wisdom


848 円 (税抜き)

Where does age-old Taoist wisdom intersect with cutting-edge medical breakthroughs? Dive into a riveting synthesis of tradition and technology as we investigate the tantalizing promise of overcoming our biological constraints. From delving deep into the genetics of ageing, and tackling devastating diseases, to unveiling the mysteries of biogerontology, this expos? offers a holistic journey. Discover how regenerative medicine and technological innovations merge, and navigate the ethical minefields they present. As we push boundaries, The Tao of Aging reminds us to ground our quests in timeless wisdom. *Join us on a quest to understand not just longevity, but a life lived in harmony.*画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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minefields synthesis regenerative harmony unveiling