Sherlock, the Case of the Voyeuristic Vampire The Casebook of a Salacious Sleuth, #4


Sherlock, the Case of the Voyeuristic Vampire The Casebook of a Salacious Sleuth, #4


450 円 (税抜き)

"If you're seeking a racy romp for simple dripping pleasures, this book was written just for you. If you're interested in a deep exploration of Sherlock Holmes reminiscent of the original character told in an epic style, you may be disappointed. Just sayin'." ~Liz His penetrating gaze awakens your desires. I stand beneath the cascading water, the droplets caressing my skin like a lover's touch. The steam rises around me, enveloping me in a warm embrace. I close my eyes, allowing my imagination to wander, and I envision a pair of eyes watching me from the shadows. A thrill courses through me, a mixture of excitement and fear, as I entertain the fantasy of being observed. My heart races, and I feel a flush spread across my cheeks. The sensation of being watched heightens my awareness of every droplet that kisses my skin, every rivulet that traces the curves of my body. My breaths shorten as I touch myself. A deep moan comes from beyond the shower curtain. A shadow flits across the washroom, and my heart leaps into my throat. Was I truly being watched? Fear grips me. I wrap my arms around myself, seeking comfort and protection. The shadow slips through the walls, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. I glance out the window, and my breath catches as I see a colony of bats flying past, their dark forms silhouetted against the night sky. Could it be that I was being watched by a creature of the night, a vampire? My husband, Quincy, owner of the hotel where we reside, has witnessed the same shadow, as have many of our fleeing customers. We decide to seek the help of the renowned detective, Sherlock Holmes. Warning: Contains solo F, M/f, and generates reader's need for release. Have a free hand ready.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against pleasures excitement myself sensation