Introduction to Aeroelasticity With Case-Studies


Introduction to Aeroelasticity With Case-Studies


14,585 円 (税抜き)

This textbook is intended as a core text for courses on aeroelasticity or aero-elasto-mechanics for senior undergraduate/graduate programs in aerospace and mechanical engineering. The book focuses on the basic understanding of the concepts required in learning about aeroelasticity, from observation, reasoning, and understanding fundamental physical principles. Fundamental and simple mathematics will be introduced to describe the features of aeroelastic problems, and to devise simple concurrent physical and mathematical modeling. It will be accompanied by the introduction and understandings of the mechanisms that create the interactions that generate the aeroelastic phenomena considered. The students will also be led to the relation between observed phenomena, assumptions that may have to be adopted to arrive at physical and mathematical modelling, interpreting and verifying the results, and the accompanied limitations, uncertainties and inaccuracies. The students will also be introduced to combine engineering problem solving attitude and determination with simple mechanics problem-solving skills that coexist harmoniously with a useful mechanical intuition.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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