The Works Of St. Anselm


The Works Of St. Anselm


160 円 (税抜き)

Within the vast expanse of theological literature, certain luminaries stand as pillars of wisdom, casting their profound influence across the ages. Among them, St. Anselm shines as a celestial beacon, his wisdom captured and unveiled in the eloquent prose of Sidney Norton Deane's masterful work. The Works of St. Anselm is not merely a compilation of ancient texts, but rather a sacred portal to the profound depths of medieval thought. Deane, a consummate explorer of religious philosophy, guides readers on an enchanting journey through the mystical tapestry of St. Anselm's mind. Through the pages of this magnum opus, Deane peels back the veils of time, immersing readers in the sublime musings of a medieval genius. St. Anselm's works, expressed with eloquence and devotion, illuminate the delicate interplay between faith and reason, sparking intellectual fires that still burn bright in the contemporary world. It invites readers to embark on a voyage of intellectual and spiritual exploration, navigating the ethereal realms of faith, reason, and divine contemplation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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