Software Architecture Research Roadmaps from the Community


Software Architecture Research Roadmaps from the Community


5,469 円 (税抜き)

This book provides a collection of cutting-edge research roadmaps that attempt to determine and perhaps even shape the future of software architecture research. It contains a distillation of the outputs from several ICSA 2022 working sessions and the subsequent work from the authors. Software architecture research involves the study of the design and analysis of software systems, focusing on the high-level structure and organization of software components, as well as the interactions and relationships between them. It also focuses on the non-technical aspects of software design: how teams are organized, and how they communicate and work together. The first three chapters of the book investigate software architecture for emerging classes of software systems with widespread interest, including quantum computing, artificial intelligence-centric systems, and systems within value-based ecosystems. Subsequent chapters investigate the role of architecture in relation to modern development processes; sharing of data as an enabler for furthering research in software architecture; and teaching software architecture. In summary, this book provides an overview of the latest research and directions in software architecture, covering a wide array of current and emerging topics. Specifically, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and students to aid them in identifying fruitful paths for future research.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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roadmaps processes Subsequent together teaching