Vampire Librarian The Shadow Order: Vampire, #1


Vampire Librarian The Shadow Order: Vampire, #1


549 円 (税抜き)

Save London from an impending vampire apocalypse? Sorry, my week is all booked. That's a book punーI'm a librarian. Specifically, the arcane archivist at the Witching Library in the heart of London. Humans don't know about the secret magical world of witches, shifters, and seers like me. So when vampires steal a dark codex from the library, no police come to save me when I'm caught in the crossfire. I'm left in a pool of blood, with a searing scratch on my arm. When I transition and lose control of my new thirst, a dangerously powerfulーand hot as hellーvampire pulls me from the edge. Lazarus has a proposition for me: if I help him track down my sire before he can expose the supernatural world, he'll teach me to control my hunger. If we fail, the council's terrifying Shadowhounds will execute my monstrous sire and all his progeny. Including me. I miss my library already. Fans of urban fantasy with slow burn romance will love Karina Dobrev, our reluctant, introverted heroine; Lazarus Kaine, our deadly, irresistible hero; and Keith, a magical cat with impeccably high standards. Buy Vampire Librarian to start the supernatural adventure!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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