Cougar Comes Calling 6 - The Librarian Sexy Stories, #9


Cougar Comes Calling 6 - The Librarian Sexy Stories, #9


250 円 (税抜き)

Melissa, our cougar librarian, has an opening for an assistant. The position of library assistant has special duties. It is more than just filing returned books and stamping library cards. It is a story about a younger man pleasing the older woman and college librarian. Jessie is in his final term in graduate school, looking to be accepted into the PhD program while quietly studying in a back corner of the library. Melissa, the cougar librarian, has had her eyes set on Jessie for some time, lurking between the stacks waiting to pounce on her prey. Jessie is a bit shy, so Melissa decides that she needs to up the ante a bit. Once she discovers that Jessie has an overdue library book, which could disrupt his graduation plans. Jessie takes the bait, listening to the offer from the cougar librarian back in the quiet, secluded confines of Melissa's office.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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